Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Where to start?  Let's start with Ben Lepley.

Ben Lepley is a good friend of mine.  We have a very dynamic friendship.  Basically, we get coffee, complain about anything and literally everything and talk about drinking and life.

Suffice it to say, we have good times.  He once told me a story, and I cannot remember what it was about, but it made me respond with this statement: "Ben I have taken what you have said into consideration and would like to subscribe to your bi-weekly newsletter."

And that is why we are here, because we are bored in instrumentation (where most of these writings will take place) and decided to start our bi-weekly newsletter.  Now if you notice, the title is "The Weekly Drunk" but I think we will only post to it occasionally, so that is why we are going to advertise this as being bi-weekly.  So there will be no expectations.

So this is a bi-weekly newsletter covering a range of topics from our everyday lives which most of you aren't part of, at least at school.  So come read this, learn something new, funny or retarded.  We will probably talk about drinking.  Like a lot.

Here's to surviving instrumentation!

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